Thursday, September 9, 2010

Beef, It's What's for Dinner-Tuesday, September 7

"Certified-Organic" Cattle~My house just happens to sit smack dab in the middle of my families cattle farm, and am lucky enough to reap the benefits.  My parents slaughter a cow and I get to share the meat...sounds like a pretty great deal, huh?  Well, you are 100% right about that!  It's wonderful!  In this meat, there are no hormones or chemicals passing through their bodies and they have the lowest percentage of fat you can find.  If you aren't lucky enough to live on a farm of grass fed, organic beef, you can still find great deals at your local grocery store or butcher shop.  The organic meat is higher, but once you taste it, you will never want to eat that regular stuff again.  Tonight I prepared a chuck roast (maybe 2.5 lbs) with potatoes, carrots, onions, and celery with croissants on the side.
2.5 lb roast
2-3 cups water, enough to cover roast by a 1/2 inch
1 package sirloin steak seasoning
2-3 cloves garlic, sliced
1 large onion, sliced
6 medium russet potatoes
6 carrots, whole, but cleaned
3 stalks celery, sliced
salt and pepper, to taste
sour cream, butter, ketchup...all optional for serving with the roast and veggies
Place the roast, water, seasoning pack, garlic, and onions into a crock pot on low for 3 hours, then place the potatoes, carrots, and celery into the crock pot and cook on high an additional 3 hours.  Serve along side the store bought croissants and garnish as you like and enjoy!!  

Total Cost:  $5.58 (probably more like $9 if roast is purchased at store)

**Tip of the day~I have a family of 5, sometimes 6, with only one income. I wait and buy meat when it's in the "reduced" section. Our local store cuts meat prices drastically when the "sell by" date is that day or one day away. I have bought family size boneless chicken breast for less than half the sale price. The only difference in the meat I have and the meat others have is they bought it yesterday and I bought it today. Also, become friends with the meat guys, they are more likely to give you deals, and tips, no one else gets!!! ;) Happy shopping!

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