Friday, September 3, 2010

Got a few jokes for you before supper tonight...

Q-What do you call a chicken in a hottub?                    A-  Soup!!!

Q-Who is the head of the soup factory?                        A-Souperman!

Q-When is soup musical?                                             A-When it's piping hot!  hahaha!!!  :-P

Have you guessed what we are having for supper tonight???  Are you sure, because I can come up with those little gems all night long!  Ok, on to the food...that's right, soup!  Chicken Noodle, to be exact, and it's going to be yummy!  Did you know that Americans sip over 10 BILLION bowls of soup each year...turning it into a $5 BILLION a year business!  Wow, I think I'm in the wrong business!  Instead of adding to the billions spent on soup, how about you try my recipe and let's see which is nicer to your palate and your wallet...
Chicken Noodle Soup with Wheat Crackers for 8 people
3 whole leg quarters
10 cups water
2 carrots, sliced
2 stalks celery, sliced
1 medium onion, sliced
4 packs Ramen noodles, any flavor
salt and pepper, to taste

Place chicken and water into a large pot and bring to a boil.  Turn down heat to a simmer and let it brew till chicken is done.  Now you need to "clean up" the chicken up.  Pull the chicken out with a large serrated spoon and pull off all fat, skin, and bones...careful, it's very hot and the bones can be hard to find.  Now add the chicken back to the stock along with the vegetables, salt and pepper and bring back to a boil, turn down to simmer again till vegetables are tender.  Finally it's time to add the noodles, DO NOT add seasoning pack, (set it aside for future use, or toss into the's not good for you anyway.  TOO MUCH SODIUM!!), and let boil for about 5 minutes, or until noodles are al dente.  Remove from heat and let stand.  Serve with wheat crackers or whatever you like with your soup, and enjoy!

Total Cost:  $4.15, this recipe makes 20 servings!!!  If it was a store bought soup for 20, you would be looking at a cost of around $10 for the soup, (according to the brand and no crackers), and it's not near as good!

**Tip of the Day-Did you know you can freeze milk?  Well you can, so next time your local Kroger has a gallon for $1.88, buy as many as they allow!!  You just have to pour a little of the milk out (into another jug) before you freeze it, so that it doesn't expand and burst the plastic jug. It will look yellow when frozen, but will thaw out and look normal. It saves on grocery trips and on your hard earned moolah!  Happy shopping!

In this recipe I purchased a big bag of chicken leg quarters and seperated them into 3-1 gallon bags of chicken...the total cost was $5.90 and will make 3 meals.  That's only $1.97 for the meat, per meal!

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